We are an emergency locksmith, Glazebrook based, that really are on your doorstep. Our local services means we can service Glazebrook, Culcheth, Risley and Birchwood, often within a matter of miutes.
We understand the frustration when you realise you are locked out of your premises, or discover that important documents are trapped in a locked cabinet. Our emergency locksmith service provides a 24 hour service across the South Manchester area and we can be with you within the hour.
We see these situations every day, our fast, efficient service will have you sorted in no time allowing you to continue your day. We don`t pretend to be infaliable but we have helped numerous people gain entry, usually with very little or no damage to the property.
Using a wide range of ‘tricks of the trade’ our 24 hour emergency locksmith can open doors, window locks, padlocks, desks and filing cabinets. If it it has a lock, we can help!
We know getting locked out has an annoying habit of happening at the most inconvenient moments so we are available – 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Simply call us on 0800 999 2828 / 07432 741 346 and we can help. Or contact us here.
Your keys may be inside, but you will probably have your mobile with you. So why not save our number to your mobile phone now, so you are prepared should you need to call an emergency locksmith in the future.
UK Locks and Alarms, provide a friendly local 24/7 service across South Manchester, Cheshire and in particular Glazebrook, Culcheth, Risley, Birchwood and the wider Warrington area.