Do you now need a good home security system? With the night’s drawing in many people are going to work in the dark and returning home in the dark. For some this is the time of year to look forward to, arriving home at the end of a busy day, lighting a fire and creating that warm inviting environment to settle down for the evening in. Others dislike this time of year and suffer from withdrawal symptoms from the warm summer sun. Love it or hate it, unfortunately the shorter days creates the ideal smoke screen for burglars to operate in. In fact burglaries go up by 20 per cent during the winter months.
UK Locks and Alarms can advise you the precautions to take to ensure you do not become a victim of theft. A good home security system is a good place to start. We provide a solution to all your security needs.
- Fitting good quality door and window locks is essential –burglars are less likely to break in if they have to smash a window and 55% of burglaries happen via front door access. Do not leave keys in the locks!
- Have you considered investing in a good quality home security safe? Hiding valuables from view and ensuring intruders are unable just to collect together your valuables in another precautionary measure you should consider – we can help with this.
- Securing doors with a security chain, fitting mortice deadlocks and hinge bolts will enhance your home security. If you have just moved house always change the door locks as you don’t know who has keys.
- Do you have a burglar alarm system? Is it well maintained? Is it adequate for the size of your house? Perhaps CCTV would be more suitable? We offer both these home security systems.
- A timer is useful to set lights to come on when the sun goes down, both deterring intruders and creating a welcoming light for your return.
- Don’t forget to ensure your side gate and/or garden shed is secure. We may not be using our gardens and outbuildings so much in the winter but thieves are only too aware where valuable machinery and tools can be stored. Sheds and garages often contain tools which can be used to gain access to your home.
- Patio doors are often a point of weakness and are used as an escape route to get larger possessions out of the house. It’s vital to fit patio doors with specialist patio doors locks that secure the sliding door mechanism in place.
For further advice regarding a home security system, we will be happy to assist.