UK Locks and Alarms can advise you on providing a good home security system. UK services include fitting good quality door and window locks –burglars are less likely to break in if they have to smash a window.
Have you considered investing in a good quality home security safe? We can help with this.
Securing doors with a security chain, fitting mortice deadlocks and hinge bolts will enhance your home security system. UK insurance companies stipulate If you have deadlocks, use them. They make it harder for a thief to get out. Keys should be kept in a safe place, out of sight and away from doors and windows. If you have just moved house always change the door locks as you don’t know who has keys.
Fit all outside doors with BS 3621 quality locks. Mortise and sash locks should be employed to give the best possible protection for your home security system. UK patio doors are often a point of weakness and are used as an escape route to get larger possessions out of the house. It’s vital to fit patio doors with specialist patio doors locks that secure the sliding door mechanism in place. For further advice regarding a home security system, we will be happy to assist.
Contact us today for more home security system UK information on 0800 999 2828