Most homes and businesses currently rely on the cylinder lock presently fitted to their UPVC doors. These door cylinders now need to be reviewed and upgraded to the newly available anti snap cylinder locks. The older style of cylinder lock has now become subject to a new form of attack from intruders. The design of the cylinder is such that it is inherently weak at the centre; this provides the facility to literally snap the cylinder in two by applying force. No specialist equipment or expert knowledge is needed.
The annual crime figures show that burglaries are up by 14% on last years figures. Property owners need to be on their guard and not become one of next year’s statistics. The new anti snap cylinder locks have been developed to provide a defence against burglars who practice in this way. The new cylinders are anti drill, pick, snap, bump etc which makes it a lot harder for someone to break into your home.
If you have an UPVC door with the original cylinder lock fitted contact us today to avoid becoming one of the many victims of burglary where the intruders gain forced entry using this method. UK Locks and Alarms can provide you with replacement locks to offer far better security and peace of mind.