There are a number of ways to prevent your home from being targeted for crime.
Remember burglars like to take the easy option and are much less likely to break in if they have to smash a window.
Never open the door to unknown visitors, fit a spy hole or a door chain.
Never leave keys on the inside of the door or on the window sill near the door – It is simple to break the window and get the keys.
Do not have your address on your key ring in case you lose your keys.
Always change your locks when you move house (even a new build) or lose your keys, even if they get returned to you a few days later.
Always have window locks fitted on downstairs windows or easily accessible windows on the ground floor.
Always have British Standard locks fitted – you will not be covered by your insurance if you don’t comply.
Invest in a security lights to illuminate your garden.
Never leave external doors unlocked even when you are in the building; it is easy for an intruder to slip in the back door when you are upstairs in the shower.
Don’t forget garages and garden sheds
As a certain well known TV programme says “please don’t have nightmares” but remember homes with simple security measures. in place are ten times less likely to be burgled than those with no security measures. Its worth taking time to make sure you dont fall into the later category.